Streamlines processes to ensure connectivity and accuracy
Point of Sale
Convert customer transactions to Accounting excellence
Designed for both stand-alone and hotel restaurants, our POS integrations process transactions from your POS to your preferred PMS and/or Accounting platforms, fully automating the customer transaction process.

Key features
Proper implementation of your POS and/or PMS and Accounting systems plays a major role in the success of your integration. Omniboost supports your integration through the entire process, ensuring your integration functions optimally.
Room Charges
Real-time migration of transactions to PMS and Accounting systems
Full Revenue Push
Every hour, all bills closed in the POS environment are transferred into the PMS Accounting Report (*not available for all PMS')
Fall Back Account
Alerts for unmapped product categories
No Installation Required
Cloud-based solutions
No Fixed Contract Period
Flexibility to cancel anytime
Proper implementation of your POS and/or PMS and Accounting systems plays a major role in the success of your integration. Omniboost supports your integration through the entire process, ensuring your integration functions optimally.

Additional Functionality and Features
- Full Revenue Push
- Revenue Centers
- Meal Periods
*these additional features are only available on certain integrations